"History is a great teacher. Now everyone knows that the labor movement did not diminish the strength of the nation but enlarged it. By raising the living standards of millions, labor miraculously created a market for industry and lifted the whole nation to undreamed of levels of production. Those who attack labor forget these simple truths, but history remembers them."
Martin Luther King Jr.
SWOEA is one of ten districts that make up the Ohio Education Association. We are also an affiliate of the National Education Association.
SWOEA is a member driven organization.
SWOEA is divided into fifteen zones. Each zone elects one representative to the SWOEA Executive Committee. It is the responsibility of each zone representative to carry local concerns to the district and to keep local associations informed about district actions. The SWOEA Executive Committee implements policies of the Representative Assembly and establishes policies for the organization between Representative Assemblies.
SWOEA is divided into five electoral units for representation on the OEA Executive Committee. Each representative may be elected to two three- year terms by a majority of the votes of the delegates from the unit. The election is held at the spring SWOEA Representative Assembly. It is the responsibility of OEA Executive Committee members to provide two- way communication between the state and local associations. The OEA Executive Committee meets monthly and establishes policy for the state organization between representative assemblies.
SWOEA advances the cause of education by providing our members with professional development workshops, leadership training, timely information, political action, local association services, and additional member benefits.
SWOEA advances the cause of education and teaching as a profession by providing workshops for the improvement of instruction, leadership training, political action, and membership promotion.
SWOEA makes funds available to local associations for workshops and leadership development.
SWOEA provides timely information and member benefits through the SWOEA Newsline and Website.
SWOEA provides an organizational link between your local association and the state and national associations.
SWOEA conducts two representative assemblies each year. The Fall session defines goals and acts on legislative items. The Spring session adopts the annual budget, holds an election, acts on resolutions, and receives committee and commission reports. Both sessions address general business concerns. Locally elected OEA delegates or alternates serve as delegates to the SWOEA Representative Assembly. SWOEA representation is based on one per fifty members or fraction thereof.